Why you should move from WhatsApp to Signal
WhatsApp recently changed its privacy policy publicly acknowledging that it will share data with other Facebook companies. But there is something else far more scary.
Disclaimer: My focus has been on broadly clarifying the main issue with WhatsApp’s new Privacy Policy change in simple terms. Hence, I might have ignored some technical details or might have even gotten a few details incorrect. Please message me or comment here if you find any mistake. I’ll be happy to incorporate any feedback.
Download Signal today: Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux
If you found this helpful, please share it amongst your friends, family and colleagues. We have to protect our data together. If you are not convinced that caring about our data is important, I would highly recommend that you watch “The Social Dilemma”.
Special thanks to Pritam Sukumar, Joanna Sundharam and Naman Dalmia for providing their valuable feedback on this blog post.